In October of 2021, ICC awarded a grant of $2,000 to the “Save Bloody Run Committee”. ICC joined numerous conservation partners to help this grass roots group of volunteers purchase equipment and test kits for water quality testing on multiple sites within the watershed of Bloody Run Creek. This timely, collaborative support was in response to the ongoing Supreme Beef L.L.C. cattle operation sited near the headwaters of Bloody Run Creek in Clayton County. This operation, which may grow up to 11,600 head of cattle, will generate millions of gallons of manure each year, which will be applied on numerous sites near this coldwater stream and its tributaries. This popular coldwater trout stream, which flows through fragile, karst topography, has been designated by the Iowa DNR as one of only (32) “Outstanding Iowa Waters”. Stream monitoring data is being archived by the Save Our Streams Program at the Izaack Walton League of America.