Funding Request
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An Alliance of non-profit groups and individuals dedicated to preserving and improving the unique, Coldwater rivers and streams of Northeast Iowa.
An Alliance of non-profit groups and individuals dedicated to preserving and improving the unique, Coldwater rivers and streams of Northeast Iowa.
View our Work Get InvolvedCreate, implement and manage sustainable Coldwater river and stream improvement projects.
Expand more permanent access to private lands for recreational use.
Iowa’s Coldwater Conservancy organized in 2017 to protect and restore the ecosystems that sustain Iowa’s coldwater rivers and streams while expanding public access to these vital and unique natural resources.
Today’s Challenges
- Climate change (more severe weather, flooding, rising water temps, plant and species extinction).
- Antiquated and/or industrial agricultural practices.
- Challenging political climate affecting environmental policy initiatives
- Shrinking state and federal conservation budgets.
- Challenges to public lands.
- The need to create more outdoor opportunities for underserved populations
- Increased competition for philanthropic dollars.
- Rising cost of environmental restoration.
Iowa’s Coldwater rivers and streams will be complete, healthy eco-systems that improve our natural environment and enhance the lives of everyone who has the opportunity to experience these examples of our natural heritage.
Build a diverse alliance of stakeholders interested in improving Iowa’s Coldwater rivers and streams.
Educate businesses and individuals as to the value and importance Coldwater rivers and streams.
Influence state/local/federal governments to gain resources for favorable environmental policy.
Raise funds to improve the natural eco-systems along our Coldwater rivers and streams.
The Iowa Coldwater Conservancy Board is made up of volunteers that donate their time and talents to promote ICC’s Mission and Vision.
Phase 1, May/June 2023 Casey Springs is a coldwater stream that flows through the Sindelar Wildlife Access Area in Winneshiek County. This spring creek has wild Brown Trout and a …
SYRCL’s Wild & Scenic Film Festival (WSFF) inspires environmental activism and a love for nature through film. Wild & Scenic shares an urgent call to action, encouraging festival-goers to learn …